What is microsoft access database
What is microsoft access database

what is microsoft access database

How to Sell Product without a Customer ID I don’t need to put the number in for the customers to sell this particular item to save the table view. Sales customer: Now, when it comes to putting the customer details in here, I don’t put their name, I don’t put their address, I just put their ID, so that will be a number field. In the table, I also need to know who I’m selling this to. But what I’m not telling the system is to whom I sold that. However, there is one thing wrong with this, if I look at it, I can see, I can go in there, I can type the name of the item, how much it was in the next row. We set that and save the table TBL sales. And sales date will be a date-time field for our sales ID, which is the primary key. It already puts the currency symbol for us. This means it will be a numeric field already allowing decimal places. Sales Item can be a description and then sales price. So, sales item notice that I’m still sticking with my camel case and no spaces in my field names.

what is microsoft access database

The new table we would create in design would have the requirement for a primary key. Save the changes and look at creating a new table. You need to delete those two columns because we’re not going to close the customer’s table. So instead of adding all these extra columns, every time somebody reaches the maximum availability of sold items, we store the sales in a separate table.Īccess Relational Database – Use Of Primary Key In Table We have to add more columns, sold the second item, sold the second item date, and sold the third item date. Suppose we have sold one thing or more than one thing to our customers, so what would it be like? So, we have to add a column for what we’ve sold. If we also wanted to hold information about what we’d sold to these customers, we need to add some new columns. Let’s go and look at the design of that table and see it holds information about customers. We have built one table of TBR customers. Let’s take our client’s data we have in here. But it just means that you’re going to restructure from time to time. So firstly, before we look at the mechanics of creating a secondary table and a link between the tables, we need to know what the point in having multiple tables is and what the point is in MS Access relational database. Now the real power of access databases arrives when you can start using multiple tables that would need to be linked together.

What is microsoft access database